More than £14,000 raised for Macmillan Cancer Support
As with everything we do, we've really pulled it out of the bag on the fundraising front! Just over a year ago, we set ourselves the challenge of raising £10,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support and we've exceeded our ambitious target, and then some.
Having now topped the £14,000 mark, our generous donations will really make a difference to the brilliant charity. We’ve worked hard to achieve this impressive amount. We’ve seen the total amount raised grow and grow over the last few months and we’re absolutely delighted with this.
“WOW I really can’t thank you both enough. £14,000 is just incredible and I would like to thank you all. With over 3 million people in the UK living with and after cancer. It has never been more urgent to make sure we have the support we need in place. Each and every day across the North West alone, 110 people hear the words they have cancer and every penny raised goes directly to making sure they are supported, even before diagnosis” said Cheryl Jenkinson, our Macmillan fundraising partner.
“I am so proud of what we’ve been able to do for Macmillan. It’s a truly worthwhile charity and it’s amazing that we’ve been able to make such a difference,” said Hannah Mather, Group HR Director.
Below: Andy Kidd, our fantastic Chief Engineer, and Lianne Turley, Head of Talent and Recruitment, really got into the spirit during our fundraising efforts.